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Alkaline gemstone bath, 1600g Basenbad

Product information "Alkaline gemstone bath, 1600g Basenbad"

Proven base bath for acid elimination through osmosis effect - for an acid-base balance in balance

The harmonious interaction between skin and alkaline bath water with a pH value of 9.5 as well as the subtle exchange of energy form the basis of this alkaline premium product. The fine formula with valuable natural minerals and healing chalk promotes the elimination of acids through the skin. Our basic gemstone bath stands for cleansing, suppleness and radiance. It supports the self-regulation of the skin and reveals a very beautiful, velvety soft complexion. The subtle component of the three precious stones aquamarine, rock crystal and rose quartz in the resonance medium of water completes the feeling of well-being.

An independent review stated: "The alkaline gemstone bath by Michael Droste-Laux supports the prevention, treatment and alleviation of diseases. Alkaline water applications are used, among other things, to accompany therapy in the treatment of skin diseases such as neurodermatitis, psoriasis and mycoses. In the case of dermatological complaints, experience has shown that the pleasant moisturizing of the skin and the relief from itching are very much appreciated.”

  •     Causes alkaline pH values ​​in the pool water between pH 8.5 and pH 9.5
  •     Deacidifies the organism through the skin and supports the self-regulation of the skin
  •     Gives absolute suppleness and relaxes during sport and stress
  •     Suitable for every skin type
  •     Suitable for child care
  •     Suitable for athletes for regeneration

Background information (now it's getting scientific)
The skin is our largest organ and is therefore responsible for many physiological regulatory processes. It is the mirror of the soul and our flagship. If the skin can only fulfill its function as an excretory organ to a limited extent, this has an impact on the entire organism. Skin problems can often not be gotten under control on the skin's surface because their causes lie much deeper under the layers of the skin, or are even psychological. Michael Droste-Laux Alkaline gemstone bath with a pH value of 9.5 not only conjures up fantastic skin, but also drains excess acid through the skin and into the bath water.

The osmosis effect is a physical law and means that acidic solution molecules diffuse into the area of ​​higher alkaline concentrations. Put simply, one can say that the excess acids in the intercellular space are discharged via the sweat glands (water-soluble acid) and sebaceous glands (fat-soluble acids) of the skin into the high concentration of alkaline bathing water.

The Russian doctor Olga B. Lepeschinskaja (1871-1963), who was a member of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the former USSR, achieved amazing success with alkaline baths. In her experiments and series of tests, she found a reduction in the uric acid value.

Interesting for athletes:
Alkaline baths also reduce lactic acid, which forms in the muscles as a product of fatigue when you exercise excessively.

A notice:
The gemstone bath is not suitable for hair. Long and colored hair should be tied up when bathing.

Working principle

The skin is in direct contact with the connective tissue. If you dive into the alkaline bath water, the semi-permeable cell membrane (pervious only in one direction) creates a unidirectional diffusion. After approx. 15 minutes of bathing time, acidic solution molecules diffuse into the range of higher alkaline concentrations.

Toxic substances and acidic valences in the subcutaneous, connective and fatty tissue are released by the hydrostatic overpressure and are literally leached out of the body. Michael Droste-Laux Basic gemstone bath convinces with good skin compatibility and is of course also suitable for children's care. It is free from animal substances, without dyes and fragrances, without preservatives and petroleum derivatives.


Our basic gemstone bath has proven its worth with:

Sensitive, dry and stressed skin
tension and stress
foot sweat

Full bath

3 tbsp to a full bath

bath temperature
36 - 37.5 °C

bath time
30 - 90 mins

Apply twice a week and rest after the bath


1 tbsp on a foot bath

bath temperature
warm or cold

bath time
30 - 60 mins

Use 3 - 5 times a week during the day or in the evening

Washing up

1 tsp to 1L of water


bath time
30 - 60 mins

particularly good under the armpits as a deodorizing refreshment

Alkaline gemstone bath, 1600g Basenbad

Inhaltsstoffe und Bestandteile


Sodium Carbonate, Sodium Bicarbonate, Maris Sal, Chalk, Sodium Chloride, Calcium Carbonate, Silica, Magnesium Carbonate, Aquamarine Powder, Quartz

Anwendungsbereiche: Bäder, Körper
Entsäuerungskonzept: Ausleiten

7 of 7 reviews

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars






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7 reviews

11 January 2024 11:04

Review with rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Mein lieblings Badesalz

Ein sehr tolles Produkt Entspricht meiner Erwartungen

4 December 2023 11:04

Review with rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Extrem wohltuend, da es die Füße nicht austrocknet.

Habe vieles ausprobiert und war bisher mit nichts so zufrieden wie mit diesem Basenbad.

21 October 2023 16:24

Review with rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Wunderbares Körpergefühl und tut gut sowohl als Fuß- oder Vollbad, zum Peeling unter der Dusche und als Gesichtspeeling ebenfalls geeignet!

Wunderbares Körpergefühl und tut gut sowohl als Fuß- oder Vollbad, zum Peeling unter der Dusche und als Gesichtspeeling ebenfalls geeignet!

15 May 2023 13:16

Review with rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Absolutes Lieblingsprodukt

Bestes Produkt ever!!! Im Alltag, beim fasten. Ich mag es sogar beim Reisen im Bus dabeihabeb. Einmal einschribben und ins kalte Bergwasser hüpfen und du fühlst dich wie neugeboren!

8 February 2023 22:40

Review with rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Wunderbares Produkt, erfrischt wie die Sauna, gut für die Haut

Das Edelsteinbad verwende ich schon 10 Jahre lang, vor allem im Winter bei der trockenen Heizungsluft hilft es mir meine Haut geschmeidig zu halten... und für mich ersetzt ein Bad damit die Wirkung eines Saunaabends! Danke für das wunderbare Produkt!

6 December 2022 18:06

Review with rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Bestes Basenbad ever

Schon mehrfach bestellt und sehr zufrieden damit!

27 October 2022 09:39

Review with rating of 5 out of 5 stars

immer wieder gern

tolles Badesalz!!